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(Approved by RCPC in September 2020)

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1.1. Our objective is to protect the privacy of our clients and users and safeguard your personal data. This Policy sets out how we collect, register, store, use, share, enrich and delete it when you browse our website.
1.2. Any personal data received is protect by strong standards and we will only use it based on legitimate interests under the Federal Law 13.709/2018, which is the Brazil´s General Data Protection Law (or LGPD acronym in Portuguese), and other laws.


2.1. Under certain conditions, you may access and use our website services. By using this website you represent that you are at least 18 and you read carefully this privacy policy to ensure you are fully informed and agree to these terms. If you do not agree, please discontinue use of our website and services.


3.1 Our website only collects your personal data directly from you, when you voluntary sign up for our services, such as your username, email address and your phone number.

3.2 We collect various types of information to identify the user, to comply with law, to provide you with information about our services, subjects, news and relevant events and other lawful purposes.

3.3 Our Law Firm treats the personal data received from the clients and users of the website based on certain fundamentals:

3.3.1 We may process your data if you have given us specific consent.

3.3.2 We may process your data to fulfill the terms of our contract.

3.3.3 We may disclose your information where we are legally required.

3.3.4 We may disclose your information to take action regarding potential violations of our policy.

3.4 The access of your personal data is restricted and we respect the principle of proportion, necessity and relevance. Furthermore, we are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and protecting your privacy.

3.5 The consent is individually collected and must be clear, specific and legitimate.


4.1 Cookie is a small piece of data that can be placed on your device. This Policy Privacy is applicable to cookies or similar technologies (here we only use the term cookies).

4.2 The cookies allow us to recognize you when you are browsing.

4.3. When you visit our website, we may use the cookies related below.

4.4 The user can disable the cookies and clear the cache by using the settings. If you set web browser to decline cookies, some features of the services may not work or may not work as designed.

4.5 For further information about the cookies, links to instructions about browsers are below:Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome:
























5.1 Our website does not publicize your personal data. However, we may reveal your personal data if we are required to do to meet a legal or regulatory obligation. Furthermore, we may use your personal data to inform you about our activities, like events, announcements and other important information about our service. When you use our website you voluntary consent to receive marketing emails, announcements and communications about our services. If you opt out receiving message from us, you may contact us via phone call or email.

5.2 You may contact us via our customer service channels informed in 5.1 to manage your consent by withdrawing or renewing it. You will be advised about the consequences of your decision.

5.3 You can ask us to delete the personal data that we have collected from you. However, we may need to keep your personal data for legal purposes, legal order or fraud protection (11, II, a, Brazilian General Data Protection Law), credit protection (7, X, Brazilian General Data Protection Law) and other legitimate interests, according Brazilian General Data Protection Law. If we no longer need your data, we will delete it under safe mode or anonymized it for statistics purposes.

5.4 Our website does not use cookies to collect your personal data or your browser data.

5.5 Our website may contain links to sites that are not part of our policy privacy.

5.6 We may share your personal data with other organizations that provide services on our behalf or government authority to meet a legal or regulatory obligation.



6.1 You have the following data protection rights: 6.1.1 Right to confirm that we treat the information collected.

6.1.2 Right to access your personal data.

6.1.3 Right to correct your information when it is incomplete, incorrect or out of date.

6.1.4 Right to anonymity and to block or delete unnecessary data, excessive or contrary to law.

6.1.5 Right to data portability to other organization.

6.1.6 Right to delete personal data if you withdraw your consent, except for legal obligations.

6.1.7 Right to be informed about the organizations that received your personal data.

6.1.8 Right to refuse to give consent and its consequences; and

6.1.9 Right to withdrawal consent.



7.1 All these terms are under Brazilian Law. Any disputes or proceedings relating to our response to a privacy matter must be brought in the City of São Paulo.

7.2 Your personal data is very important to our services. Therefore, we protect and manage it carefully. Your data is treated securely and in accordance with the decisions of the critical process of our business.


8.1. This Privacy Policy is effective from September, 2020 and replaces the previous orientation.

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